There are many ways to use Squarecap in your classes. Choose the option that works best for you.
Option 1: Present with a browser using a desktop or laptop
To use a laptop or desktop (Mac/Pc) to present in the classroom, you will need to either Mirror or Extend your display to the projector.
Both are great options, depending on your preference. A mirrored screen will allow the projected view to appear exactly as you see it on your computer screen. This is the easiest option but presents difficulties if you would like to pull up the seat map to see how students are doing or create a new question with a set answer choice on the fly. Depending on your room setup, you might have the ability to pause your screen so that you can do these data sensitive tasks without your class being able to see. Feel free to contact us if you need help with this.
Mirrored vs. Extended Screen Settings
An extended view is an excellent option for teachers who want to limit what students can see. The teacher would navigate to and run the questions from their desktop. Students would not be able to see this screen unless you drag it to the extended view. You also have the option of opening a "View as Student" window and dragging it to the extended screen if you would like to project the questions as well as letting students see them on their own devices.
Option 2: Present with a downloadable Widget
If you would like to run the squarecap questions directly from your PowerPoint, download our widget which will hover over your PPT. This will allow you to start and stop questions without navigating to Widget Instructions
Note - If you are using a university desktop in your room, you may need to contact your IT department to ask them to download the widget for you.
Option 3: Present with iPad under the document projector
If you have a tablet or iPad, log in to Squarecap on the device and start and stop your questions directly from When you want to project Squarecap to your students, simply lay your tablet underneath the document project and switch views. This is a very easy solution for professors who want to move around the room AND project the results of a poll when necessary.
Option 4: Run on iPad or cell phone. No presentation
Some teachers like to move around the room while teaching and asking questions. You have the option to log in to Squarecap for your tablet or phone and start and stop questions wherever you are. Students are always able to see your questions on their device. This method provides a ton of mobility but does not allow you to project.
Option 5: Present with Zoom
Using Zoom along with Squarecap allows you to project your tablet to the screen and even write on it to help your students learn. Please contact us if you would like more help in getting set up with this option. We would be happy to cover any costs associated with using this service.
Email additional questions to or schedule a time with an expert for one-on-one help.
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